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    Archive for March, 2007

    The Boys’ Club

    Friday, March 30th, 2007

    I was alone last week.
    Brilliant Scientist Husband (bless him; he must be rewarded) took the Astronaut to Florida (Kennedy Space Center, of course), leaving me to five solid days of writing, writing, writing, and, oh yes, writing. I accomplished a lot. Got down about 22K words. Ate about five hundred pounds of popcorn. Drank […]

    This Crime’s Big Enough for the All of Us

    Thursday, March 29th, 2007

    Denise Mina is a doll. She’s one damn fine writer too. Glasgow - her town - has a growing heroin problem, and a rapidly rising murder rate. She told me and a hundred others about it at a conference last year. It was heart-wrenching to hear her speak about her beloved […]

    Guest Blogger: Sarah Stewart Taylor

    Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

    Sarah Stewart Taylor joins us today as our guest blogger. Sarah is the author of the Sweeney St. George mystery series, which features an art history professor who specializes in the study of grave stones. Her latest title is Still As Death and it’s excellent. Enjoy!
    It never fails. I arrive to do a reading […]

    Here A Quote, There A Quote

    Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

    Every once in a while I come across a quote that makes me stop and think. Really think.
    I often wonder how much of it is the quote itself, and how much of it is the timing of the quote.
    Either way, those “it” quotes often motivate me into action or simply remind me of something I […]

    “F” is for Fanatic

    Monday, March 26th, 2007

    I’d mentioned on Crimespace (are you all logged into Crimespace now?) that I was looking forward to finally seeing The Professionals on DVD.
    The Pros was a British crime drama from the 1970s which has unfortunately never made it over to this side of the pond. But it turns out that you can buy a Region […]

    The Agony & the Ecstasy

    Friday, March 23rd, 2007

    Last weekend I got to do a wonderful thing: fill new bookcases. Ecstasy! Is it just me or does everyone else out there have the ongoing problem of not enough bookshelf space? Is it wrong for me to want every wall lined with floor to ceiling shelves? To fantasize about someday opening the door to […]

    Spring Can Be Deadly

    Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

    It’s kind of cold here in the Mid-Atlantic still, but the forecast is calling for temps in the 60s and 70s in the next days. My favorite kind of spring is a rarity in Maryland: a long, cool spring with the thermometer creeping just a tad higher every day, and never getting lower until […]

    Invasion of the Talking Heads

    Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

    They’re everywhere: restaurants, doctors’ waiting rooms, banks, beauty shops, airport terminals, and grocery store check-out lines. They’ve even invaded public restrooms.
    No matter where I go, I can’t seem to escape televisions.
    Specifically, televisions tuned to news channels, sports updates, or E!
    While I waited to check out at Albertson’s the other day I had […]

    Who, Exactly, Invited YOU?!?

    Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find it slightly unnerving when a character I wasn’t expecting pops up in the middle of a story. Especially when it’s a story I’m writing.
    Uh huh.
    It happened in my last book. I’m merrily typing along, subjecting my characters to any number of things (stabbing, strangulation, […]

    The Bic stops here

    Monday, March 19th, 2007

    I was watching TV the other night in that absent-minded way that I do…eating dinner and flipping through Publishers Weekly at the same time. I became aware that I was staring at what appeared to be soldiers in Iraq getting gobbled up by some horrendous monster.
    Not the nightly news, though I can see why that […]