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    Archive for October, 2007

    Can’t Turn It Off

    Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

    We were booed last week.
    Not “booed” as in jeered at, but “booed” as in treated to a surprise goodie sack.
    It was left anonymously on our door handle and contained candy, Halloween-themed puzzles, and instructions on how to boo another neighbor. Booing someone is kind of like a neighborhood chain letter. You’re supposed to […]

    It’s Like Riding A Bike (Sorta)

    Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

    Having been a news reporter prior to writing fiction, I think it’s pretty safe to say I’ve written just about everything…
    First there were the articles about kidnapping, drunk drivers, crooked officials, dangerous roads, overweight cops, petty thefts, stupid crooks, house fires, and so on & so on. Then, there were the short stories and novels […]

    Scary Movie

    Monday, October 29th, 2007

    As Halloween is coming up, I thought I’d recommend some of my favorite scary movies — and take recommendations from our viewing audience.
    I like scary movies, but I get irritable when the gross-out factor jumps too much — gore is used too often to distract from the lack of plot or decent writing — […]

    Southern Fried Everything

    Friday, October 26th, 2007

    OK! Filing my report on the Southern Festival of Books late, and for that I apologize. Will try to make it up to you all by sparing no detail in my recounting of the sordid late-night dealings of authors after the VIP reception. Who would have ever thought that….well….no…some things should be kept forever from […]


    Thursday, October 25th, 2007

    Shhhh…don’t tell anyone, but I’m not Regina today. It’s her hubby, Michael - you know, the one who’s so good with computers that it was mere child’s play to blogjack her Thursday post and put this in its place?
    Here’s the deal - as Regina let all and sundry know last week, it’s her birthday […]

    Miss Scarlet with the candlestick…

    Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

    We picked up the game Clue at the store the other day and it’s been quite a hit at our house.
    The game board has been updated. The mansion looks pretty swanky now and the little figures are more carefully carved than they were when I played the game as a kid.
    I was reassured to […]

    Getting Down And Dirty In The Name Of Research

    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

    For the second week in a row I must leave you in the capable hands of a guest blogger as I adjust to some changes in my life. But never fear, I’ll be back to my old blogging self next week! In the meantime, I figured the GGKFM clubhouse could stand a little guy talk […]

    The Robe

    Monday, October 22nd, 2007

    I think my bathrobe has had it.
    It’s about seventeen years old now — I’ve had it longer than my house, my husband, or my former day job. It outlived all my plants, dogs, boyfriends — I might wind up buried in it if I don’t act now.
    It held up really well. I’m serious. I […]

    Good Girl Gone Bad….

    Friday, October 19th, 2007

    Apologies. Due to a series of unfortunate events (no relation to Lemony Snicket), I’m wholly devoid of the charm and pith required to write a blog. But I SWEAR that I will return next week with a Virtual Cocktail Party to end all Virtual Cocktail Parties!
    I owe ya one…..

    Unusual Gift Lists

    Thursday, October 18th, 2007

    I’m a lady with particular tastes. I won’t be happy with just any old thing for my birthday (which I’ll tell you is later this month - just so you have enough time to shop for a great big present for me).
    My family knows me very well. They know exactly what will make […]