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    Archive for June, 2008

    Saving the Best for Last….

    Thursday, June 5th, 2008

    Well. OK. So it’s not really last. But it is best, and, look, I write FICTION. So deal with the subterfuge, will you?
    With us today is one of my all time most favorite people EVER. My Big Brother. J.D. Rhoades writes bite-your-nails-to-the-quick thrillers, and his third book, Safe and Sound, has just come out in […]

    Pick a Sentence, Any Sentence

    Thursday, June 5th, 2008

    Did you know there are only three sentences in the English language? In any language, really. Okay, maybe there are five, but really that’s just splitting hairs.
    What am I talking about? The nitty girtty. The down and dirty.
    Okay, the really nerdy.
    Yep, that’s right - I’m talking about syntax.
    Ugh, […]

    Sara Rosett’s Day(s) Off

    Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

    I’ve got a bad case of spring fever. Technically, it would probably be called “summer fever” since it’s June, but you get the idea.
    For the last few weeks, I’ve been doing some signings and, well. . . basically, that’s it.
    I’m doing laundry (finally!), cooking dinner (ditto), going to band concerts and field days. […]

    One Writer’s Journey (Thus Far, Anyway)

    Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

    This is for all of those writers out there who wonder if it will ever happen…
    I was one of those kids who knew she wanted to be a writer from the time she was ten.
    No, I hadn’t read a particular author I wanted to emulate (though I was a HUGE Laura Ingalls Wilder fan) […]

    These I have loved

    Monday, June 2nd, 2008

    I don’t really have a lot to say today, so I thought I would share one of my all time favorite poems — a part of it. This is from “The Great Lover” by Rupert Brooke. It’s the beautiful attention to detail that makes this poem so evocative — which is useful to remember for […]