Mea Culpa and Tune In Next Week…

I’ve done the unforgiveable thing and forgotten it was Thursday. Worse yet, I did it one a day when I was supposed to have a guest.
I’m so sorry.
Please, tune in next week for an interview with an Edwardian Woman of Mystery - Clare Langley-Hawthorne.
To give you a bit of fun, try and guess the following - I’ll send a copy of Clare’s book, Consequences of Sin to the person who gets the most answers right. Try us Thursday next week to see if you’re the lucky winner!
Clare’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip
Dulce de Leche
Rum Raisin
A mad concoction of all four of the above
Favorite Distraction for Her Twin Boys?
Endless DVDs of Thomas the Tank Engine
Building forts under the dining room table
Fixing everything in the place with their toy tool set
Racing Matchbox cars up and down the hall
Cheerios, Fruit Loops, and a bit of string
Favorite Procrastination Technique:
Polishing her Toes
Polishing the Floor
Surfing the net for celebrity gossip
Surfing the Pacific
Research, research, research!
That’s all for me. Apologies again to all our Good Girls Groupies and to Clare - see you all next week!