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    Archive for July, 2007

    Amazing Things Can Happen With Just The Right Puff

    Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

    I’ve never read a Harry Potter book. I’ve seen them, passed them on countless store headers, but I’ve never read one.
    But it doesn’t matter. Because millions and millions of people have read them. And that, right there, makes me a fan of J.K. Rowling.
    She got kids reading. She got adults reading. She got kids and […]

    Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

    Monday, July 30th, 2007

    Sorry for the delay in posting! We were having internet and email problems last night. Nothing is guaranteed to drive a strong woman to tears faster than having internet connection problems. Even Mr. Thrilling’s composure has been known to crack when I’m having internet connection problems.
    Anyway, Ireland was AMAZING, lads.
    (In Ireland the term “lads,” is […]

    Let Us Eat Cake

    Friday, July 27th, 2007

    Ahhhhh, my darling friends, we did it. Renee Rosen, Karen Abbott and I walked for our cake. Six miles each way, and worth every step.
    Renee stopped to buy band-aids to rescue her feet. We found an unholy looking pair of abandoned underwear on the sidewalk somewhere in the vicinity of Clark & Belmont. We […]

    Mea Culpa and Tune In Next Week…

    Thursday, July 26th, 2007

    I’ve done the unforgiveable thing and forgotten it was Thursday. Worse yet, I did it one a day when I was supposed to have a guest.
    I’m so sorry.
    Please, tune in next week for an interview with an Edwardian Woman of Mystery - Clare Langley-Hawthorne.
    To give you a bit of fun, try and guess the […]

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury

    Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

    I have to say that when I received a summons for jury duty I was less than thrilled. I know I’m a mystery writer and all, but who really wants to put their own life on hold for a couple of days or weeks for jury duty? It’s like that commercial about the car wreck […]

    Living By The Seat Of My Pants

    Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

    Don’t move. Be wewy, wewy quiet.
    If it’s easier, you can go ahead and close your eyes before engaging in a little soul searching with me.
    Whoa. Wait a minute.
    If you close your eyes you can’t read, and then my post was for naught (and that box of Milk Duds I ate while typing this was […]

    In Dublin’s Fair City

    Monday, July 23rd, 2007

    Sure, and I’m still on my wee travels, don’t you know?
    This is a pre-recorded message, as you’ve perhaps guessed. Right about now I should be winging my way homeward. I do hope I had a lovely time and have lots to blog about when I return to Good Girls HQ.
    I hope I didn’t forget […]

    Thrilled to Death

    Thursday, July 19th, 2007

    How many months has it been since I mentioned that I adore conferences? There’s little better than getting to spend a long weekend with a bunch of writers, and ThrillerFest in New York last week did not disappoint. Not at all. As in, not even one little bit. As in, if I could have got […]

    Bogged Down in Research

    Thursday, July 19th, 2007

    Help - I’m trapped! Trapped in the pages of my research books, the web pages of more sites than I can count - bogged down in research!
    Having completed my latest manuscript, I’m researching for three others right now. Which has got me maxing out my library card with Agatha Christie biographies, […]

    Tales from the Crisper

    Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

    As the summer began, I started working on the plot for my fourth book. I’ve found that if I take a swath of white butcher paper from my daughter’s art supply roll and plot out the story visually in a timeline form I make better progress than if I try to type an outline.
    I […]