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    Archive for May, 2007

    Things That Make You Stop and Start

    Thursday, May 31st, 2007

    There was a time I didn’t write.
    Gasp. No, say it isn’t so!
    Really. When I was in high school (hell), I had a teacher who just couldn’t handle anything I wrote. It really hit me hard, since he was the first teacher I couldn’t wow with my writing since 1st grade. The […]

    Delete, Please

    Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

    I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried to let it go—be philosophical and not let it bother me, but that’s a form of denial, right? So, I’m going to be honest and announce that I think there are some words that should be deleted from our language (at least for a couple of months) simply […]

    Storytelling Songs

    Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

    I’ve always loved music…
    The beat. The rhythm.
    In fact, I don’t think it’s possible for me to hear a song I like and not start moving at least one part of my body.
    I started dancing at the age of four and kept at it all the way through high school. When I got to college […]

    Diana’s Dilemma

    Sunday, May 27th, 2007

    Apologies for cross blogging. Er…I’m not referring to my temper, but to the content of this particular post. I have a little dilemma, and I’m gathering data for my decision-making process. Doesn’t that sound more dignified than admitting I just don’t know what the hell to do and have resorted to asking people on the […]

    Zen and the Art of U-Haul Driving

    Friday, May 25th, 2007

    There are few things less pleasant than dealing with an enormous rental truck. You’re bouncing along the highway, hoping the seatbelt will keep your head from slamming into the roof when you and your vehicle’s sub-standard suspension hit the next bump in the road. And the radio that, no matter your location, will not get […]

    Make-Your-Own Writer’s Retreat

    Thursday, May 24th, 2007

    I’m headed up to PA again this weekend. We have a beautiful 16-acre property in the moutainous countryside of Western PA. It used to be a very small RV campground and we’re beginning to invite folks up to go camping with us, so I expect the summer to be a lot of fun.
    But […]

    Stress Test

    Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

    Last week was test time for our kids. Not the normal weekly spelling quiz or math chapter test. No, this was the fill-in-the-bubble-and-erase-stray-lines STAR test, the yearly test the kids must pass to go on to the next grade.
    Of course, they have been preparing for the test all year and I’m sure they’ll do […]

    Finding Your Gear

    Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

    Wow. That was a clever title…
    Oops. Didn’t realize the mic was on.
    I’m back on an exercise kick. No, I’m not one of those people who starts and stops things whenever I lose interest. I had to knock off the running (sniff!) in favor of an activity that wouldn’t cause so much internal overheating.
    So after […]

    Build Your Own Mystery

    Monday, May 21st, 2007

    Today’s blog requires a little bit of audience participation: namely the use of your imagination.
    I was thinking about the theory of how we “identify” with characters in novels, and I started thinking about what if I actually was the character in a mystery novel–and what a crazy mystery novel that would be.
    Not that it kept […]

    One If By Land…

    Thursday, May 17th, 2007

    I’m off to Massachusetts today, to pick up The Eldest from her first year away at college. She told me in an email yesterday that I must now tell everyone I’ve a daughter who’s a college sophomore.
    I thought I’d try something cute for today’s blog, something that would draw a lot of […]