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    Archive for August, 2006

    The Rock

    Thursday, August 17th, 2006

    No, I’m not talking about the 1996 Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, Ed Harris Alcatraz break-in movie. And I’m not talking about the Sancy diamond (though I make a reference to that Louvre treasure in my short story, “Catch Me Waiting”).
    I’m talking about Simon’s Rock College. It’s a small college, about 400 students, located […]

    Being Forward

    Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

    I’m not a forward person. I’m not talking about being pushy or forthright. I’m talking about forward with a capital “F.” You know, those people who love to send emails with “Fw:” in the subject line. There’s nothing wrong with sharing a laugh or a sentimental story—I’m a writer after all, so I love stories […]


    Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

    I see dead people…all the time.
    ~The Sixth Sense 1999
    Haley Joel Osment sees dead people.
    I hear voices.
    The biggest difference is you paid $8 to hear him say it ($10 for those of you in California), and I’d tell you the same basic thing for free if I could actually get a word in edgewise.
    Come to […]


    Monday, August 14th, 2006

    Writer’s Block (not to be confused with procrastination, which has its useful side) is one of those things you either believe in or you don’t.
    I’ve heard of cases lasting years–Laura Kinsale is one such case, SF writer, Elizabeth A. Lynn, another. Personally I think that rather than writer’s ”block” this is probably something more like…do I […]

    A Touch of Class

    Friday, August 11th, 2006

    First off, apologies to any citizens of the fine city of Chicago who may have been disturbed by the ecstatic moans that escaped my lips when I tried the au gratin potatoes at the Firehouse Restaurant eariler this week. I couldn’t help it.
    Classy, I know.
    Class is something about which our guest for today’s Virtual Cocktail […]

    Catch Me Waiting…for Publication

    Thursday, August 10th, 2006

    I’ve just had my first Regina Harvey short story published at the UK crime mag, Shots. Once a print magazine, Shots has gone electronic, and I’m happy to say that the fiction editor is the inimitable Sarah Weinman, who has fabulous taste in short stories, obviously.
    The story is Catch Me Waiting. Its impetus […]


    Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

    The story you’re about to read is true. Names have been changed to acronym codes to protect the underage.
    I’ve mentioned that for me optimal writing conditions are silence and chocolate not too far out of reach. So that means summer is a challenge. Kids are home 24/7 and looking to me to be either entertainment […]

    Things I know

    Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

    Yeah, I laughed when I saw it too. In fact, I’m giggling now as I see it in print once again.
    I spotted it while waiting at a traffic light. It was on the back windshield of a pickup truck. Opposite the Confederate flag. And to the left of a gun rack.
    The only thing missing from […]

    What’s Your Sign?

    Monday, August 7th, 2006

    Yes, I am really hard up for a blog topic this week. I’m reduced to using on you the same lousy pick up lines that were once used on me–if only I could get you drunk before you read any further.
    I find it interesting how many people do NOT believe in astrology–and yet find me […]

    What’s Your Super Power?

    Friday, August 4th, 2006

    Some would say mine is the ability to ignore a household’s descent into squalor when certain parties are too busy writing to clean.
    I will refrain from commenting except to point out that that’s not really a super power; it’s a method for preserving one’s sanity.
    Our guest for today’s Virtual Cocktail Party has a multitude of […]