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    Archive for February, 2008

    Leap Day!

    Friday, February 29th, 2008

    So whaddya think? Did we need an extra day this February? Or could you just as soon have done without it? Me, I haven’t decided yet. Check back after midnight.
    I’ve been ensconced in the writing cave all week, pounding through my latest book, although I got a bit of a slow start, being more than […]

    Free Day

    Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

    It was like a real-life “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
    One whole day wiped clean of all commitments.
    It was a snow day! Or, more accurately, an ice day.
    When I checked the news at six in the morning last week and realized all normal activities (work, school, karate, etc.) were cancelled, I’d felt […]

    Looking for the Right (or is it write) Name…

    Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

    If you’re wondering who the above chick is…it’s me. Minus the black gloves, evil medicine dropper, and dark sunglasses you’ve come to expect on Tuesdays here at the Good Girls Kill For Money Club. […]

    I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

    Monday, February 25th, 2008

    More and more I find myself stumped for blog topics. Oh, I can think of all kinds of things I want to blog about when I’m nowhere near my laptop — and they aren’t all rants, either — but when I sit down to blog…
    So I went prowling the Internet for likely topics, and I […]

    And Now A Brief Word From Our Sponsors…

    Friday, February 22nd, 2008

    Well, not exactly sponsors. Between travel and writing I’m swamped and left with nothing but poetry for you today. .
    Be careful of words,
    even the miraculous ones.
    For the miraculous ones we do our best,
    sometimes they swarm like insects
    and leave not a sting but a kiss.
    They can be good as fingers.
    They can be trusty as the rock
    you […]

    Snow Day

    Thursday, February 21st, 2008

    I am hereby announcing a Snow Day. As I don’t feel much like writing a witty post today, I am giving myself a Snow Day. Reasoning? My imagination has white-out. As this is the case, I figure everything I write today will need wite-out. Therefore, the Snow Day.
    You too are […]

    The Other Deadlines in my Life

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

    P-day is one week away. One week until the backboard, the bibliography, and the process paper are turned in. One week until the school project is finished and the whole family breathes a sigh of relief.
    Until the next due date.
    You see, we’ve got several long-term projects in the works. There’s something for everyone—history, […]

    Free to be Unfair?

    Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

    Recently, I was asked to fill in for the guy who edits my weekly newspaper column. The gig was a presentation in front of the local Phi Beta Kappa association and the stated topic was “journalists who become fiction writers” (much like our own beloved Ms. Bradford). My co-presenter was a very nice college professor […]

    It’s the Professor and Rock Bottom!

    Monday, February 18th, 2008

    It’s goofy, I know, but sometimes when things are going really wrong for me I hear this little cartoon voice going, “It’s the Professor and Rock Bottom!” Yep, adversity has a name. It has two names. And the cartoon voice belongs to Felix the Cat, who was my first and favorite cartoon experience — or […]

    It’s Good to Be Sultan….

    Friday, February 15th, 2008

    Yes, yes, yes, I’ve got Istanbul for you today. But first, something much more important! HUGE congratulations to my wonderful friend, the immensely talented, generous, and all-around lovely J.T. Ellison, for signing a second three book contract with Mira to continue her amazing Taylor Jackson series. Let the list-hitting begin!
    Obviously, the drink for today […]