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    Archive for December, 2007

    Stock Check

    Monday, December 31st, 2007

    About this time last year we were discussing New Year’s Resolutions: who made them, who didn’t — and how many of us kept them.
    Weeeellllll, it’s another year down, and today’s question is a simple one: If you made a New Year’s Resolution, were you able to keep it? And if you didn’t keep it, are […]

    Out With the Old…..

    Friday, December 28th, 2007

    So 2007 is winding to a close, and I for one am looking forward to 2008 more than a little bit. But I’m swamped right now, so instead of writing some kind of joyful or weepy or poignant post, I’m going to leave you with a year-end poem…
    Talking to her, he knew it was the […]

    Senses of Home

    Thursday, December 27th, 2007

    It’s the holidays. In my house, that means one thing.
    Cleaning. Lots of cleaning.
    Actually, this year I’m not hosting much of anything so the cleaning hasn’t been as intense and horrifying as it might be. But still, the daughter home from college deserves fresh sheets, the Christmas tree is shedding needles […]

    The Lull

    Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

    Well, I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas. Is your Christmas tree looking as sad as mine? It’s a pitiful sight. Without the presents to distract you, you really can’t avoid noticing the drooping branches that are dropping needles at a truly alarming rate.
    Since we’re so close to New Year’s Day, I know […]

    Merry Christmas From Our “House” to Yours

    Monday, December 24th, 2007

    All us girls in the GGKFMC clubhouse–Diana, Tasha, Regina, Sara, and I–wish you a wonderfully happy and healthy Christmas.
    May this be your most magical yet…
    P.S. I’ve a blessing I’d like to share with all of you that I learned last week–news that required a little self-pinching and a few detox cry-athons before I trusted it […]

    Seduced By the Perfect Egg-Nog

    Friday, December 21st, 2007

    Let me start off by making one thing perfectly clear: I don’t like egg-nog. It kinda grosses me out, in fact. Love eggs, but they need to be cooked. Or at least tossed with hot pasta. But a few years back, when I was living in New Haven, my darling, dear, wonderful, much-missed downstairs neighbor, […]

    The Christmas Letter

    Thursday, December 20th, 2007

    Every year I write the annual Christmas Letter, and send it folded and stuffed into cards that alternate from comedic to traditional, from religious to secular, depending both upon the recipient and my mood right after the prior year’s Christmas, when I picked through the crumbs and leavings that are the post-Christmas 90% off sales.
    I […]

    Holly Jolly Tinseltown Style

    Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

    A huge spread of food
    Being surrounded by friends and relatives
    Those are all ingredients for a wonderful Christmas celebration, but there’s one more thing that makes the season complete for me: Christmas movies. It just doesn’t seem like Christmas unless I watch a few holiday flicks.
    What movies put the “Holly Jolly” in my Christmas […]

    A Big Apple Birthday

    Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

    Like many of our GG readers, I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the first-hand account of Tasha’s birthday antics earlier this month. After all, it’s the one time of year when you get to feel special…truly special.
    When we’re little, the annual milestone conjures up images of cake, parties, presents, and adding one more […]

    When what to my wondering eyes should appear…

    Monday, December 17th, 2007

    Do you realize it’s only about a week until Christmas?
    I’m not exactly sure what happened. I was thinking I still had a month or so.
    So today was a little bit of a panic as I hit the cyber malls and began wielding my credit card with great ferocity and panache. And as I […]