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    Archive for September, 2007


    Friday, September 28th, 2007

    It’s been something of a wild week around here. My new book, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, came out on Tuesday. Check out this display. It’s a lovely feeling to see multiple titles! I made a phenomenal dinner that night (it was also the Viking’s birthday): perfectly grilled steak with blue cheese, twice baked potatoes, asparagus […]

    Shhh…Can You Keep a Secret?

    Thursday, September 27th, 2007

    I’m undercover. Collecting material for another Baltimore crime book. In Baltimore. At one of the most…no wait…the most revered and respected hospital in the nation.
    How did I gain access to the behind-the-scenes scoop? The sensations and moods and details that can only come from being entrenched really, really deeply?
    I got a […]

    I promote, therefore I am . . . a writer

    Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

    Have you ever had a bookstore craving?
    You know, the intense desire to roam aimlessly through the aisles, browsing titles and scanning flap copy.
    Last week I had it bad.
    Since our move, I’m getting adjusted to the new area and the new area is. . . rural. Or, more accurately, it feels rural. We’re […]

    Inspiration At Your Fingertips

    Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

    A few weeks ago, I blogged about rejection and how those lousy little form letters can suck the motivation out of a writer. If they let it happen.
    There’s no doubt perseverance and determination are key in reaching one’s goals. But, sometimes, maintaining that drive is easier said than done. In fact, I’m willing to bet […]

    Smart Girls, Stupid Choices

    Monday, September 24th, 2007

    So…late Friday afternoon I’m finishing up a novella — that is coincidentally DUE that evening — and four lines to go — I mean, literally FOUR lines to go — my computer crashes.
    Blue screen, large white font spelling disaster in no uncertain terms and in type large enough to be suitable for reading by idiots. […]

    The Little Things

    Friday, September 21st, 2007

    So, so happy this week.
    My bedroom is gorgeous. Stunning. Breathtaking. Everything I wanted it to be. It was even worth the primer and FOUR subsequent coats of paint. Yes, I decided it needed an extra one. I’d post pictures, but some things are better left to the imagination, particularly when it comes to dens of […]

    Flavor That Lasts and Lasts…

    Thursday, September 20th, 2007

    I like bubble gum. I have a distinct memory of walking barefoot, over the sand-dusted streets from our rented cabin on Chincoteague Island, all the way to the little corner store every day. I must have been less than seven and, back then, a piece of Double Bubble bubblegum (the kind with the […]

    In the Blast Zone

    Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

    After a couple of time-stamped posts, this week’s post is live. Yep, we made it across the county and the last two weeks have been a blur of unpacking boxes, hanging curtains, and Wal-Mart runs for those things that you really can’t live without, but that the movers won’t pack, like Aunt Jemima syrup and […]


    Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

    How do you define a hero?
    Is it someone with Popeye-like muscles and nerves of steel? Or the kind of person who tirelessly devotes their time and resources to a worthy cause?
    According to, a hero is: a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. An apt description, I’d […]

    The Loneliness of the Long Distance Writer

    Monday, September 17th, 2007

    I’m just starting week seven of this writing for a living business (and it is a business). I still wake up with those butterflies in my stomach at the realization that I’m not driving into work. I feel a little guilty and a lot nervous — but so incredibly happy.
    And the writing is going […]