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    Archive for August, 2007

    Lies, Lies, Lies!

    Friday, August 31st, 2007

    So–apparently–I’m not dead. My mouth is still not entirely happy, but I’m through the worst. At least through it enough to give consideration to the sole benefit of having a Dental Disaster:
    Heavy duty narcotics remove all inhibitions.
    Online shopping and meprozine go together beautifully! You should see the boxes of books that have arrived on […]

    Daily Dose of Lit-rah-tuure

    Thursday, August 30th, 2007

    I’m hooked. And I’m hooked up. To receive my daily dose of literature, that is. A friend sent this link ( and I think I finally may have found a way to get through all the parts of the Canon that I’ve missed.
    From the website, this is how it works:
    “DailyLit […]

    A Few Of My Favorite Things

    Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

    This blog entry is time stamped, so hopefully, as you read this I’m speeding—I sure hope I’m speeding, not creeping through a traffic jam—down the highway on our cross-country trek from Southern Cal to Maryland.
    Those long hours under the wide open sky are great for contemplation, for taking stock, for reminiscing, and for looking […]

    Signing of the Times

    Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

    If you watch cable you’ve probably seen him.
    If you read the newspaper, or skim your splash screen from time to time, you’ve probably heard of him.
    I, of course, hadn’t.
    Now I have.
    A few weeks ago my friend, Vickie, shot me an email asking if I could help at this man’s signing. I agreed. I mean, why […]

    Dear Diary

    Monday, August 27th, 2007

    I haven’t kept a journal for years — other than one of those informal health-related things where you jot down everything you eat in an attempt to figure out why your migraines are worse — and of course who can bother with that for more than a few weeks before losing interest? But in my […]

    I Wanna Be Sedated

    Friday, August 24th, 2007

    How do you feel about general anesthesia?
    Early last week, I went to the dentist to get a wisdom tooth removed. It wasn’t impacted, and was supposed to be simple to get out. But after a brutal forty-five minute struggle we had to admit defeat. The tooth was going nowhere. And just to prove the point, […]

    Serious About Series

    Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

    I’m going to make this quick today since I’m dying to get back to the book I’m reading. It’s Steve Hockensmith’s On the Wrong Track, the second in the “Big Red” and “Old Red” Amlingmeyer series. I’m at that stage in it where I know it’s going to be as good, if […]

    Worst Case Scenario

    Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

    Currently, I’m surrounded on all sides. Cardboard as far as the eye can see. At least, as far as you can see inside my house.
    We’re on the move again. Yes, again. If you’re one of our faithful Good Girl blog readers you may be thinking, “Hey, didn’t she just move not long ago?”
    Yep. […]

    The Synopsis Heave

    Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

    Have you ever watched a cat dry-heave? It’s painful.
    You sit there, hopelessly watching as they struggle, again and again, with the unseen fur ball or poorly chewed bug that’s threatening to make an encore. Yet, somehow, at the last minute, they manage to keep it down.
    That’s how I feel when it’s time to write a […]

    Confucious Say…Charlie Chan OK.

    Monday, August 20th, 2007

    In an attempt to amuse the increasingly restless natives — AKA my visiting niece and nephew — I pulled out my old Charlie Chan videos a few nights ago and treated them to several films including my favorite Chan flicks: Castle in the Desert and Charlie Chan on Treasure Island.
    Charlie Chan might seem like […]