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    Archive for February, 2007

    Guest Blogger: Michelle Becker (on Forensics University)

    Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

    **Blogging for Laura today is Michelle Becker. Michelle is both a writer and the newly elected president of the St. Louis Chapter of Sisters in Crime. Welcome, Michelle!**
    Have you ever been happily writing along when you come to a dead body in the middle of the page, and say to yourself, “Now what?” I […]

    Party, Party, Party!

    Monday, February 26th, 2007

    I’ve become a stalker.
    Kind of ironic, I know, especially in light of last week’s blog comments.
    It wasn’t my fault. The party made me do it. My husband got promoted and in the military, if you get promoted, you throw a party for everyone else. It doesn’t really make sense, does it? But I’ve gotten […]

    Take Me to Bed

    Friday, February 23rd, 2007

    I love sleep.
    In theory, I can do it anywhere. Just look how comfy I was in the Egyptian exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago last summer. Well, ok, the headrest left something to be desired, but still. Fact is, I’d prefer a bed–crisp sheets, a heap of pillows, down comforter.
    Anyone […]

    Top Ten Reasons Regina Harvey is Now Blogging

    Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

    (Alternate Title: Where the Hell is Heidi?)
    Number 10 – “Well, there was this blinding light, see, and this weird disc hovering over the north cornfield…”
    Number 9 – Office Hump from “BPD Confidential (#2)” fame came last night in his freshly-washed radio car and took Heidi in and booked her. Bail donations can be […]

    Adventures in Book Signing

    Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

    The release date of my second book is April 3, so that means it’s time for me to get busy setting up signings and coordinating publicity for Staying Home is a Killer. Looking back at the signings I did last year, I’ve learned one thing—there’s no such thing as a typical signing. You never know […]

    Poof, And He Was Gone

    Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

    For the past three years, he’s been my go-to guy.
    Easy to turn on.
    The one who’s helped me block out the real world and immerse myself in one where I’m in total control.
    He never seemed to care when I’d break for a conversation or to listen to a favorite song. Come to think of […]


    Sunday, February 18th, 2007

    I’ve been thinking about moving. It’s all part of the grand scheme to make the jump to writing full-time. It’s expensive to live in Southern California, so I’ve been researching other places. Affordable places that would still have the things I consider to be essential to my health and well-being.
    So far the only thing I […]

    Ordinary Days

    Friday, February 16th, 2007

    We’ve been on a Valentine’s kick here at the GGKFMC this week. Did you check out Laura’s post to find out what drives us Good Girls wild? Never know when that might come in handy.
    I’ve always had mixed feeling about Valentine’s Day. On the one hand, it’s manufactured by Hallmark and florists–and I’m cynical […]

    BPD Confidential (#2)

    Thursday, February 15th, 2007

    Yesterday morning, the Blackberry buzzed early in the wee hours and the hubby rolled over in bed, checked the message and told me, “Patrol’s been placed on fixed positions - the roads are way icy. Guess I’m working from home.”
    There are times when the radio cars are not rolling on the streets of Baltimore. […]

    Good Girls, Bad Boys, and Other Pairings

    Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

    Since today is Valentine’s Day I figured it would be a good day to list some of my favorite couples from mystery fiction. Okay, a few are from TV and movies—I couldn’t resist.
    Good Girls and Bad Boys—This is one of my favorite categories. (It should be, shouldn’t it?) We’ve got the law-abiding woman, minding […]