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    Archive for November, 2006

    Thanksgiving All Week Long!

    Thursday, November 30th, 2006

    I apologize. I was derelict in my duty to this blog. I dutifully wrote my Thanksgiving Day post, thought I’d set it to publish on the ole Turkey Day, and found out Monday that it didn’t fly - much like the many doomed and consumed gobblers of last Thursday.
    So, just in […]

    Calendar Girl

    Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

    I love office supplies as much as Laura, so I’m always excited when the end of the year rolls around and I get to go calendar shopping. We buy a new wall calendar each year and the subject is of great importance, not to mention debate. Will it be Irish castles or Greek Isles? We […]

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Keyboards…

    Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

    I’m throwing myself on your mercy today, calling on the creative abilities of all my daring blog readers (translation: I’m racing to meet a deadline for my next book and it’s this or nothing, folks).
    Below you will find the beginning of a story. It could be a mystery, a romance, or a combination of the […]

    Morning, Angels!

    Monday, November 27th, 2006

    “Once upon a time there were three little girls who went to the police academy. And they were each assigned very hazardous duty.”
    Although there are days when I think taking a bullet would be easier than taking another conference call, I did not grow up to be a PI or a cop. All the […]

    Deceive, Deceive Me Once Again!

    Friday, November 24th, 2006

    I’m not a car person. Never have been, never will be. I love the fact that I drive a ‘92 Camry with no air conditioning and a hundred thousand miles on it. Why?
    Because it is paid for.
    But when I was ready to set off for Peoria last week, I asked my Brilliant Scientist Husband […]

    Not So Traditional Turkey Day

    Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

    Turkey and Thanksgiving are not synonymous for me. It’s strange, actually, because I grew up with the traditional spread: turkey, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, rolls, sweet potato casserole, and pumpkin pie every year. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll eat it and enjoy it, but if we have something else, I don’t think the world is […]

    Ask, And I Shall Answer

    Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

    One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions comes in a small box. It contains little scraps of paper with an assortment of questions. The American Girl Place in Chicago calls them “conversation starters,” but I see them as so much more.
    I love sitting down at the table with my daughters and finding out who inspires them, […]


    Monday, November 20th, 2006

    When we started this blog, Sara (I believe it was Sara) suggested wisely (I believe it was wisely) that we avoid politics and religion. This was solid Good Girl feminine intuition because we had not yet in our brief acquaintanceship got around to debating (er, discussing) politics or religion–not when we still had so much […]

    Beach Rats

    Friday, November 17th, 2006

    Apologies for abandoning all of you last week. I tried to post, really I did, but between being trapped at the Orlando airport for four hours and being booked into a hotel that didn’t have internet access (apparently the good people at the Disney Resort think I can survive on Pixie Dust alone), I just […]

    Death Toll

    Thursday, November 16th, 2006

    “So, I’m making pretty good progress - knock wood - on the Baltimore book (Taking the Village),” I say across the coffee table Saturday morning. My mother’s over for “just a half a cup” of Michael’s coffee before she starts her day. I’m still in pajamas, on my second cup of tea, and […]